Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Whew, I have not been the best blogger lately. The good news is that I have been spending my time printing like crazy. It had been more then a year since I made an image larger the 11x14. Now I am printing 30x40's!!!!! I have also been shooting black and white which has been fun. I can develop my own film again and I enjoy having the control over the film in the developing process. Any-hoo, here are two new shots. The one on the top is an image that I am surprised I made actually. I tend to over think it usually and this time I just did and I like the results. The bottom is my little, almost three year old, neighbor. Making pictures of kids with a 4x5 is no easy task. Morgan did pretty good though, she may just be a natural!


Unknown said...

Both are lovely, but the shot of Morgan is timeless. Nicely done.


martha miller said...

Hey, Alyssa!

Glad to see the jiuces are flowing again! Love the B&W's! I've begun a new portrait series -perhaps you would consider sitting for me? It's about a 2 hour commitment...
Happy Halloween!

martha miller said...

i mean, juices...