Monday, January 28, 2008

More images from the workplace. The first is an image of the reading room, the place where people dig through the stacks and find bits of their past. The second is of collections in waiting for their place among the shelves. And lastly the display case with bits of the libraries own history. Including (left to right) Red Tape which is used to tie together books whose bindings are on the outs, an old card catalog drawer, and a counter, a small box of dried kidney beans that was used to keep track of how many guests came into the library, plus many other little bits of our past.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

so maybe making pictures of your self because your the only person around is not the most legitimate way to make work, but it keeps you shooting.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

This is my cubical. There are many stereo types about office jobs, but I love mine. Working at the Maine Historical Society is Fantastic. I spend my days doing research, scanning historic photographs, and photographing maps that date back to the 1700's. The bottom image is the photo collection that I work on. There are over 140,000 photographs
including hundreds of glass plates, over sized prints and albums. Working with the collections has opened up a whole new interest...who knows maybe a masters in photo archiving is in my near future.