Friday, December 12, 2008

There are some people in my life that I like to make images of over and over. Tara is one of them. I took this one after her long work day at Banana Republic, a job that she would rather not have. There is something torturous about knowing that you are a creative thinker that has to spend the day answering dressing room calls from those who are uninterested in your knowledge. There is a longing for a new opportunity that I see in T. A longing that I think she is not alone in having.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Frozen fish sticks and chicken nuggets, that's whats made here. "Real Home Style Goodness" is whats on the sign plopped on top of the factory.
The beauty of the waterfront in Portland is not exactly what you would be imagined by the common vacationer. There is still a heavy industrial feel to it. Ships come in with oil and coal and leave it for workers to push around and distribute to Southern Maine. In many ways I prefer this view to that of condo's, (those are the only two options these days for waterfront property).