Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Ever wonder where B&M Baked Beans are made? Probably not, but in case you did this is it in all it's glory. It is a strange water side factory, real run down looking. It is sort of the big mystery around here, many people have tried to go in but no access is allowed. Don't think about it too much, just enjoy them beans!
One of the few benefits of living in this lonely town is the company of the ocean.

Monday, February 18, 2008

oh man......I can't wait.

During late fall I will often find little birds, like this one, on the sidewalk. I am not sure what it is that kills them, maybe it is simply the quick change in season that does not allow sick or weak birds to survive. I walk about a mile and a half to work and sometimes see two unfortunate birds in one walk. It is a fast reminder that winter is coming. This one was on my door step about a month after my grandmother past. Maybe it was a curiosity about how I was handling my resent loss, I am not sure, but something encouraged me to keep the bird in my freezer.

It's dreary season in Portland ME.