Monday, October 29, 2007

Winter is for sure on the way. Today the high in Portland is 40, in three months it will be 8, if were lucky. For the most part I am looking forward to snow and all that winter stuff, but I will miss the sunshine being out until 8pm. The ultimate after work, summer activity this year consisted of: cold, cold Long Trail ale, a glove, and a baseball. Ryan and I are lucky enough to live by a park that looks over the ocean, a prime place for a game of catch. Now, I get home from work and sun is down and the air is way too cold to stand by the ocean. Guitar Hero has taken it's place, an equally fun after work thing. Hopefully Guitar Hero portraits are on the way....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

yes, please do on the guitar hero portraits. I oughta come up soon to have a 3 person GH tourny, return Ryon's wildflowers book, and just hang out in general.